Welcome to Uppsala for a three day symposium on image analysis in March 2016.
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The SSBA symposium is arranged each year by the Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis, which also celebrates its 40th anniversary this year (1976-2016). The symposium dates back to 1978 when it was arranged for the first time, then at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. In 2015 the symposium took place in Lund. This time the honour to host the event has fallen to the Centre for Image Analysis in Uppsala.
Date | Event | |
Mar. 14 | PhD student day (starts at 10:15) | |
Mar. 14 | 40th anniversary celebration with presentations by invited speakers (starts 15:00) and | |
welcome reception at Norrlands Nation | ||
Mar. 15 | Symposium day and dinner at Eklundshof | |
Mar. 16 | Symposium day (ends at 16:15) |
At the 2016 SSBA symposium, Aysin Ertuzun, Bogazici University, Turkey and Marleen de Bruijne, University Medical Center Rotterdam, The Netherlands and University of Copenhagen, Denmark will give presentations on March 14. Invited speakers Uwe Franke, Daimler Research and Development, Germany and Carl-Fredrik Westin, Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA will give presentations on March 15. Also, local speakers Thomas Schön, Division of Systems and Control, Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Mats Lind, Division of Visual Information and Interaction, Dept. of Information Technology, Uppsala University and Stina Svensson, RaySearch Laboratories will give invited talks on perspectives on image processing and computer vision from machine learning, human-computer interaction and radiation therapy, respectively.
The main symposium will take place at Polacksbacken, building 6 (Aulan). Map
If you have any questions, please contact us at ssba2016