Papers submitted to SSBA 2016 are not peer reviewed. We accept all papers dealing with computerised image analysis, image processing, image coding, computer vision, pattern recognition and related areas provided they conform to the format described below. You are free to publish your submissions elsewhere - e.g. at another conference or in a journal - either before or after SSBA 2016.
Submissions must be written in English. One author of each accepted paper is expected to give a presentation at the symposium. Proceedings will be distributed to participants in electronic form during on-site registration.
Papers should be prepared using the following SSBA template: LaTeX
Each paper must be submitted as a PDF file and must not exceed 6 pages.
To simplify the preparation of the proceedings please ensure that you adhere to the following directives:
Given that the proceedings will be distributed in electronic format and may contain previously unpublished material, you may protect your PDF file from web crawlers etc. by locking the PDF file with the password "ssba2016" (lower-case, no spaces).
To submit your paper, please send an email to ssba2016 with your PDF file as an attachment and the subject line "Bidrag till SSBA 2016" or "Submission to SSBA 2016". Deadline is February 1, 23:59 CET.NOTE: